I was born to be stubbonr, to be a little bit bitchy, to push people, to push myself. I was taught never to take life for granted, to live a little bit, to love with everything I had, to never give up, to believe in myself, but most of all, to fight for myself.
Throughout the times that I hadn't write in here, I've learned sooo many things that I would share with you if I had the time to. Since I don't have it, here it goes a brief life lesson:
Don't waist your life doing things you don't want to;
Don't give up your goals, no matter how hard they are. If you can't reach them that means you've put the bar to higg, or maybe you just hadn't tried hard enough... anyway, you should keep presisting in order to achieve them;
Love the people who are always beside you, pay them more attention, without care with mundane things;
Love the life you live, but live the life you love ( B. Marley );
Allow yourself to commit mistakes sometimes, but always learning with them ..
The rest? The rest is up to you!
Keep it simple.