I was born to be stubbonr, to be a little bit bitchy, to push people, to push myself. I was taught never to take life for granted, to live a little bit, to love with everything I had, to never give up, to believe in myself, but most of all, to fight for myself.
Throughout the times that I hadn't write in here, I've learned sooo many things that I would share with you if I had the time to. Since I don't have it, here it goes a brief life lesson:
Don't waist your life doing things you don't want to;
Don't give up your goals, no matter how hard they are. If you can't reach them that means you've put the bar to higg, or maybe you just hadn't tried hard enough... anyway, you should keep presisting in order to achieve them;
Love the people who are always beside you, pay them more attention, without care with mundane things;
Love the life you live, but live the life you love ( B. Marley );
Allow yourself to commit mistakes sometimes, but always learning with them ..
The rest? The rest is up to you!
Keep it simple.
sexta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2010
sábado, 16 de outubro de 2010
Sunshine, my sweat sunshine.
So, this is it! How to express this kind of happiness? It's simple... Just look at those smiles after that sweat kiss that makes you fly to heaven, which make all those other things disappear and make you just focus on the person in front of your eyes. It's less than love but more than an attracion, it gets over the boundaries of a normal friendship and yet, don't even cross the begin of a relationship. How to describe it ? Well... it's happiness in all its splendor.
But ( yes, it has a but like everything) ... just but...
Lets all forget outside things and just enjoy those moments of sunshine in our lifes and proceed carying those particulary moments in our minds.
Why? Well, it'll make you fell better when you are down and they'll make you see that there are great things in life, it'll make you overcome dark moments and put the most huge smile on you face. Those memories will lighting up your life and make you go ahead and then... then you'll proceed knowing that tomorrow you'll be able to create another of those memories, but in that time it won't be memories, only one of the greatest moments in your life.
That's why it's worth to life another day, another hour, another second in the middle of this chaotic world because by the end of the day you'll have that kiss again n' we will star it all over again.
But ( yes, it has a but like everything) ... just but...
Lets all forget outside things and just enjoy those moments of sunshine in our lifes and proceed carying those particulary moments in our minds.
Why? Well, it'll make you fell better when you are down and they'll make you see that there are great things in life, it'll make you overcome dark moments and put the most huge smile on you face. Those memories will lighting up your life and make you go ahead and then... then you'll proceed knowing that tomorrow you'll be able to create another of those memories, but in that time it won't be memories, only one of the greatest moments in your life.
That's why it's worth to life another day, another hour, another second in the middle of this chaotic world because by the end of the day you'll have that kiss again n' we will star it all over again.
This is not just another day, this is your day, this is your life! Make it worthwhile.
sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010
quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010
What to do when your thoughts are so messed up that you even cann't see the logic?
What to do when everybody you thought were your best friends turns you back?
What to do when there's nobody who you can tell what's on your mind ?
You know what?
You do what you think, even if there's no turnnig back.
segunda-feira, 27 de setembro de 2010
2, e por aí adiante ( 2, and so on ..)
A coragem não isenta ninguém da sepultura - Philip Larking.
Muitos de nós humanos, eu inclusivé visto que não descendi de nenhuma espécie de pequenos homenzinhos verdes que navegam em objectos voadores caricatos, quando nos perguntam '' Tinhas coragem de ... ? '', ponderamos e para não dar parte fraca dizemos que sim, mas no devido momento ... Bom acho que vocês todos já passaram por isso e já sabem.
É isto que hoje queria falar um pouco: CORAGEM! À que notar o factor de o verbo se encontrar no passado( não queridas professoras de português, não aprendi nada nestes 12 que andei a ouvir as mesmas tretas) porque dormir cerca de 3 horas e ter um dia extenuante o cansaço já se sente e há que recuperar forças para logo.
Por vezes dou por mim com um sorriso na cara quando só me apetece chorar ou gritar; submeto-me ao silêncio quando só quero gritar ao mundo aquilo que sinto cá dentro; faço de conta que está tudo bem e que não me afecta mas na verdade o que resta cá dentro está partido... Sabem porque? Lá está... Coragem( lá vem ela de novo).
Consigo admitir que tenho falta da mesma, mas como fazer para ultrapassar as inibições e revelar realmente o meu ser? Eu sei que parece um pouco filosófico mas, se já tiverem olhado bem para vocês, nunca terão dito: ''só me apetece ....'' e não o terão feito com medo da reacção dos restantes? Pois aqui o não é apenas mentira. Eu sei, os meus caros leitores sabem, até a minha vizinha sabe! que pobre coitada já me ouviu descarregar num bom Nickelback ou Sistem of a Down( bom, muito bom!), mas ... e os restantes? Sim!, aqueles cujo à aquela vontade de apontar o dedo e dizer: Não! Agora quem fala aqui sou eu porque me sinto assim e não o nego ...
Ahhh, que bom é fantasiar com tais coisas cujo o literal significado eu ocasionalmente saboreio, com pena de não ser mais amiúdemente.
A minha conclusão?
As melhores coisas na vida não são coisas .
Courage does not exempt any
one from the grave - Philip Larking
Many of us humans, I inclusive, since I not descended from any kind of little green men who fly in some ridicously strange objects, when asked ''Would you had the courage to ... ? '', ponder about that and not gaving their weaker part say yes, but when the moment comes ... Well, I'll guess you've all been through it, so you already know ;)
This is my main subject for today: COURAGE! n' I must warn you by know that it would be kind of short since the lack of sleep is getting me tired ( as usual -.-)
Sometimes I find myself with a smile on my face when I just wnat to cry or scream of anger; I submit myself to silence when I just yearn to scream to the world what I feel inside me; I pretend that everything is ok and that it doesn't affects me when in fact whats left inside me it's broken ...
You know why? Yup there it is ... Courage (here it comes again).
I can admit that there’s in me a lack of her, but how to overcome those inhibitions and really prove my being? I know it sounds a bit philosophical by now, but have you already looked inside you, and said''I just want to....''but haven’t done it with afraid of the reaction of others? Here, no it’s just a lie. I know, you all my dear readers know, even my neighbor also know it! poor thing, as to hear me dump on a good Nickelback or Sistem fo a Down (good, very good *.*), but ... what about the others? Yes, those whose you’ve earnest desire to point your finger and say: No! Now who speaks here it’s me because I feel this way n’ I won’t deny it ...
Ahhh, it's so good to fantasize about such things whose literal meaning I occasionally sip, sorry for not being more often.
My conclusion?
The best things in life are not things.
domingo, 26 de setembro de 2010
E tudo começa no 1...( And all begins in 1)
Novos tempos, novas mudanças sempre ouvi dizer.
Tive a necessidade de partilhar isto com alguém e até que pensei: blog? Pareceu-me uma boa ideia ..
Eis alguns dos pensamentos que me ocupam a mente:
Apenas a um escasso ano de ingressar na faculdade algumas questões me preenchem o pensamento: qual será o curso melhor para mim?, serás que vou gostar?, entrarei?, para onde me vou candidatar?, o que farei depois disso?, como conseguirei conciliar os estudos com o treino?...
Resposta para elas? Sim, para algumas..
Quero medicina, para puder seguir neurocirurgia, mas cá não consigo entrar e a hipótese de ir para Espanha não nego que me assusta um pouco. Há que explorara melhor as hipóteses ao longo deste ano a ver a que conclusão decido..
Outro pensamento atrapalhador ( sim, porque a dificuldade em concentrar-me em alguma tarefa é imensa): viagem de finalistas! Pas de La Casa, onde vai toda a gente, e maioritariamente são os meus amigos todos, ou Londres, um sítio onde eu anseio ir e espero puder vir a morar?
Resto de bom fim de semana :)
New times, new changes I've always heard.
I needed to share this with anyone when I thought: blog? It seemed a good idea...
Here are some of the thoughts that occupy my mind by now n' I wanted to share:
It only lefts a short year to go to college and some questions are starting to get my thoughts: what will be the better course for me?, would I like it?, would I've the marks required to enter?,where will I apply?, what will I do after that?, how can I combine studies with training?...
Do I've anwser to these questions? Yes, for some of them unfortunately..
I want to follow medicine so that I can went to neurosurgery, but here, in Portugal, it'd be practicalyy impossible to enter due to the high marks that they require and I must admite that the idea to go study to Spain alone it scares me a bit...
We'll see!
Another muddled thought (yes, 'cause the difficult to concentrate on any kind of task is huge!): Senior trip! Pas de La Casa, wherewill be, I think, all of my friends and classmates, or London, a place whereI yearn to go and where I hope to live if I've the chance?
Any feedbacks?
Rest of good weekend :)
New times, new changes I've always heard.
I needed to share this with anyone when I thought: blog? It seemed a good idea...
Here are some of the thoughts that occupy my mind by now n' I wanted to share:
It only lefts a short year to go to college and some questions are starting to get my thoughts: what will be the better course for me?, would I like it?, would I've the marks required to enter?,where will I apply?, what will I do after that?, how can I combine studies with training?...
Do I've anwser to these questions? Yes, for some of them unfortunately..
I want to follow medicine so that I can went to neurosurgery, but here, in Portugal, it'd be practicalyy impossible to enter due to the high marks that they require and I must admite that the idea to go study to Spain alone it scares me a bit...
We'll see!
Another muddled thought (yes, 'cause the difficult to concentrate on any kind of task is huge!): Senior trip! Pas de La Casa, wherewill be, I think, all of my friends and classmates, or London, a place whereI yearn to go and where I hope to live if I've the chance?
Any feedbacks?
Rest of good weekend :)
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